My Highlights From the Silk Road in Central Asia

Travelling in Central Asia was a big dream for me as a child. I always wondered what Uzbekistan, Iran and Bangladesh were like. Over the years, I gradually visited as many parts of it as I could. I thought it was a nice time to reflect on my time in this wonderful part of the […]

Backpacking in Germany: Top 5 Sights in Hannover

As a Hong Kong girl, backpacking in Germany seemed like a dream when I was a child but somehow I was able to do it. I toured a lot of cool cities here including Munich, Koln and Berlin. But an unusual off the ball highlight was when I went backpacking through the streets of Hannover. […]

Hong Kong Living Ideas

In Hong Kong you can find a load of really cool places to live. Whether you want a high rise, a small flat or a mansion by the beach it’s a city which clearly caters to everyone and is worth checking out. This will give a good overview into life in the Kong! All over […]

An Overview Of English Teaching In Hong Kong

So is it easy to get a job as a Native English Teacher in Hong Kong? Combine those components with the fact that there are presently not enough native English speaking instructors within the country, and it might be that Hong Kong is the perfect place if you are entertaining the concept of teaching or […]

The Honeymooners Guide to New Zealand

Your honeymoon is meant to be an experience that you will remember. It should be intimate, romantic, and something that you will never forget. One of the most romantic honeymoon getaways is New Zealand. If the beauty in this country tempts you to spend your honeymoon there, do not to do these ten romantic things. […]

Top Items to Carry on a Biking Trip

Are you thinking of going on a biking trip? If yes, that’s awesome. Biking trips are massive fun, give you a sense of personal freedom and adventure. To have a lot of fun, though, you need a few bare essentials. Sure, you can carry a lot of junk –although that isn’t advisable, but there are […]

Excellent New Book on Hiking the Inca Trail in Peru

Long term backpacker Jonny Blair reports on the Fake Inca Trail… Is there honestly a ‘fake’ Inca Trail? Yes, there is and every single day unaware travellers sign up for it and do it without even knowing. I’m here to tell you how to make sure you do the real Inca Trail, which let’s be […]

Some Smoking Experiences from my Travels

When you go backpacking round the world as a smoker, you need to be aware of the cultures you are jaunting through. For example, smoking cannabis may be perfectly acceptable in the coffee houses of Amsterdam as nobody flinches an eyelid. However the entire world is not the same. On my journeys, I’ve highlighted 5 […]

My Travels in Netherlands: Top 5 in Amsterdam

On my European trip in 2012 I got to experience Amsterdam for the first time. But really, there is so much to see and do in Amsterdam that I’ve still only scratched the surface. Here are 5 of the highlights from Amsterdam. 1. Try Cannabis OK so I’m a girl and I don’t like smoking or drinking […]